About High Mountain Middle School
High Mountain is a middle school serving grades Five through Eight in the North Haledon School District. High Mountain School is located at 515 High Mountain Road.
High Mountain School promotes academic excellence through the alignment of the curriculum and materials with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Students receive a rigorous education that meets the requirements of the New Jersey State Department of Education and the North Haledon Board of Education. The curriculum consists of Language Arts Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Health, Physical Education, Career Readiness, Character Education, Art, Music, Family and Consumer Science, Financial Literacy and STEAM. The students also take part in the L.E.A.D. Program that is taught by our North Haledon L.E.A.D. officers. High Mountain School teachers are Highly Qualified in the content area they teach as required by the Department of Education. High Mountain School follows the teaming concept. While our faculty teaches specific subject level content, the various grade levels “team” daily to ensure they meet the needs of the students in the grade level they teach.
The middle school years can be a challenging time for children. High Mountain School faculty recognizes this fact and provides students with the proper support and encouragement so that they leave middle school with the skills requisite for a successful career in high school and beyond. Our goal is to meet the needs of students who are approaching intellectual, social, emotional, and physical changes at a rate more rapid than at any other time of their lives. During these middle school years, students need academic challenges and social experiences in an environment which provides stability. Our school climate is one in which students acquire self-confidence and independence as learners while developing positive attitudes about learning and school.
High Mountain School offers a rich learning environment between all grade levels to foster both academic achievement, social collaboration among peers, strengthen school spirit and build friendships.
Technology is a component of the daily instructional program. Our students are able to expand their learning beyond the classroom by collaborating with students from other districts and across the globe by utilizing online communication tools. HMS provides Chromebooks to all of our students and promotes digital programs for curriculum, along with emphasis on digital citizenship and safety.
We are proud of our commitment toward reaching and positively influencing all students. We offer a wide range of services for students. The Intervention and Referral Services is comprised of various staff members. The committee reviews requests from teachers or parents for assistance with students who are experiencing difficulty in the classroom. We have a continuum of Special Education services. Our Child Study Team provides diagnostic and consultative services to students who are identified in need of special education in order to succeed in their school program. All students with disabilities have an Individualized Education Plan which insures that they are given the support needed, while placing the student in the least restrictive environment. The ELL (English Language Learner) program serves the children in the school who speak different languages. This Title I Program provides support for students who need assistance in the areas of reading, language, mathematics and study skills. We also offer a gifted and talented and school-wide enrichment program.
High Mountain Middle School is fortunate to be part of a larger community that takes pride in our school and town. Parents, teachers, students, administrators, and community members have forged a partnership to ensure the students of North Haledon receive every opportunity to reach their maximum potential. We believe that all students can be successful. Our school strives to create a learning environment that is creative, innovative, and engaging. Our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) and Education Foundation continue to provide our district with many additional services that directly impact our students.
The High Mountain School is committed to continued professional improvement and individual growth. Professional learning communities, team meetings, and in-service days provide the opportunity for our faculty to engage in a continuous cycle of learning. Faculty and staff participate in numerous professional development opportunities throughout the school year that focus on best practices to improve student learning.
The High Mountain “Mountain Lions” take pride in developing the altruistic spirit of the students and community. It is our mission to rally our citizens to show the next generation the importance of self-sacrifice. Student involvement in their local community and in state and world affairs is encouraged and fostered through service learning. Our students participate in such experiences as Red Ribbon Week, Breast Cancer Month, Holiday Gift Drive, American Heart Association, Operation Goody Bag for 9/11, Super Bowl of Caring for local soup kitchen, Senior Bingo Pasta Dinner, and our Thanksgiving Food Drive.
High Mountain School offers classroom experiences that are designed to ensure that students develop the necessary skills and strategies to become lifelong learners and face the challenges of the 21st century. Our students are nurtured, supported and educated by a professional learning community of teachers, parents, administrators, and community members who value education, support and believe in the North Haledon School District.
Mr. Mike Escalante
High Mountain School, Principal