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Student Council

Student Council for H.M.S.

The purpose of the High Mountain School Student Council shall be:

  1. To represent the students of each homeroom at the Council meetings.

  2. To discuss and make recommendations for rules of student behavior in school.

  3. With the consent of the principal, to enforce school regulations, adopted by the Council

  4. To set up and run extra-curricular activities.

  5. To perpetuate school pride and spirit.


  1. Each grade level shall have representatives on the Council. The total number of representatives per grade level shall be two times the number of homerooms.

  2. The Council representatives are chosen in September of each school year.

  3. If a representative misses two Student Council meetings without prior notification to the Council and Advisors, the member will receive a warning. Upon a members’ third absence, after the warning has been given, dismissal will occur.

  4. A five-minute grace period shall be established at the commencement of each meeting. Each member is entitled to three late arrivals in the guidelines of the grace period. Any member reporting to the meeting after the grace period shall be charged with an unexcused absence. In the event of more than three lates, a warning will be given with follow-up of dismissal.

  5. Any conduct unbecoming of a representative, which is detrimental to the reputation of the Student Council, may result in the dismissal of the representative, subject to a majority vote of the Council representatives.

  6. Any representative who receives lower than a 70% or C-, and or a “12” or an “13” in the areas related to school conduct, on their report card, will be placed on probation until progress reports are given out for the next marking period.

  7. All members must attend the Student Council Dances. If a member cannot attend a dance, they must notify the Advisors prior to the dance in writing, with explanation and signature by parent. 

  8. All members must be able to work at the Snack Bar on a rotating basis, with a minimum of twice per month.


The officers of the Student Council shall be President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms.

  1. The offices of president and vice president should be filled by seventh and/or eighth graders. In the event no seventh or eighth grade student runs for office, the election would be open to sixth graders. 

  2. The officers shall be nominated by the members of the Student Council, and elected by the student body.

  3. Vacancies among the officers shall be filled by election from among the Council. 

  4. Any officer who does not fulfill his/her obligation to the Student Council shall be subject to his/her removal from the position he/she holds by a majority vote of the Council’s representatives. 

  5. Fifth graders will not run for office.


  1. Regular meeting days will be set by the Council at its first meeting.

  2. Special meetings may be called by the President with consent of the advisors. 

  3. The Student Council will conduct its meetings under the Roberts Rules of Order.


  1. All officers and members of the Council shall have a vote.

  2. A majority vote will constitute passage of a motion unless otherwise stipulated. 

  3. There will be no voting by proxy.

  4. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Council.

  5. The presiding officer shall exercise his/her vote only in case of a tie.



The President will appoint and designate committees he/she feels are necessary or are in the

best interest of the Council.


(Student Council)

  1. Amendments to the by-laws may be proposed by any member of the Council at a regular meeting of the general fellowship only, which proposals shall therefore be automatically referred by the President to the by-laws committee for study and report findings to the general membership.

  2. Any proposals for amendment must be read at two consecutive general membership meetings. 

  3. A two-thirds vote of the quorum present at said meetings shall be necessary to enact said proposed amendments.